Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Abortion as a social problem essays

Abortion as a social problem essays Abortion as a Social Problem Induced abortions have been a topic of dispute for hundreds of years. People disagree on two basic questions. The first question is whether the law should permit a women to have an abortion and, if so under what circumstances. The other is whether the law should protect the unborn child. Those who wish to legally limit or forbid abort ions describe their position as a right-to-life or pro-life. Those who believe a women should have the right to an abortion refer to themselves as pro-choice. An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. In the earlier stages of pregnancy, the fertilized egg that grows and develops is called an embryo. After three months of development, the embryo is now considered a fetus. What an abortion will do is cause either the fetus or embryo to die. Abortions can occur in two forms: Either a spontaneous abortion may take place, which is also known as a miscarriage. Miscarriages may result from natural causes as an abnormality in the embryo, a hormonal imbalance, a long-term disease, or some other disorder in the women. The other form is an induced abortion, which is where the fetus is purposely removed from the womens body. Physicians perform abortions several different ways. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the most common method is suction curettage, also known as vacuum aspiration. This method involves removing the fetus by suction, then scraping the womens uterus with surgical instruments. An abortion can also be caused in the first trimester by a drug called mifepristone or RU-486. The method of this drug is to block the action of the hormone progesterone in the womens body, which normally is the hormone that prepares the womens uterus to receive and nourish the embryo needs. In the second trimester, many physicians use a method called dilation and evacuation. In this method, the fetu...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free sample - What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. translation missing

What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBAWhat is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? Today’s world is a business arena and most of the people hold a keen desire to have a successful business. Yet without professional knowledge one can’t run a successful business. Entrepreneurs as well as corporate executives and managers require professional soundness and expertise to conduct any business successfully. For that a sound academic background is a must which can not come without a professional degree. MBA degree gives an edge over others who don’t have it. It provides ample opportunities to learn ins and outs of business and global corporate practices. Everybody wants to pursue a brighter career path and I think an MBA degree is a prerequisite for building a good business career. From the early stage of my life, I aspire to start a business of my own. Becoming my own boss is my only dream. This is a fact that business can be started with trial and error mode but profitability can not be assured like this. To be successful profound knowledge and practical experience is a must which only an MBA program can offer.   This degree gives an added advantage in all the phases of life. Learning from this formal education builds confidence and enable the person to take challenge and critical decision at the right time. MBA degree holders always get preference in the business environment and are treated as stars. Thus, pursuing an MBA before starting my career is a necessity. UCLA Anderson is one of the best management schools all over the world. Students get renowned faculty with enriched labs, libraries and other academic facilities. The MBA curriculum of UCLA Anderson is quite unique and focuses on the individual preferences and choices. Students are nurtured in a way that enables them to cope with work challenges and competitive business world. The world class environment and highly skilled educators and researchers of this institute helps to expose the hidden talent of the students. Throughout the MBA program, students are groomed with practical assignments, case studies and term papers which help them learn managerial techniques. This grooms their decision making abilities by enhancing their understanding about various issues. Those renowned faculties share their own practical experiences in the field of finance, marketing, management, human resource management, accounting, operation research, organization behavior from which students get benefited. The program is designed to enhance the quality and skills which helps the students to become the future head of any organization. The leadership skill of the MBA students of UCLA Anderson is evident from the fact that many top corporate managers and executives have this degree from this institute. MBA students become so adept about the business that they can withstand any challenging situation. An MBA graduate is expected to be the master of any business activity and it is only possible with a sound academic background and practical knowledge. I believe the MBA program of UCLA Anderson help students to become the masters in the business field. Its curriculum is said to be the best which not only equip students with theoretical knowledge but also the practical stuff which is of great importance while dealing with any challenging situations. UCLA Anderson produces future business leaders, highly profound government officials and organization heads that are capable of making right decision at the right time. The MBA graduates enjoy being a part of a community of 36000 worldwide alumni networks. The interaction among the faculties and students is so good that all become a family which gives rise to a knowledgeable and learned community. Even after the completion of the program UCLA Anderson graduates are seen in various reunions and get together programs. It is the practicality and reliability of UCLA Anderson MBA program which makes it my dream to be a part of this renowned family by enrolling myself in the program. The World class education of UCLA Anderson and the academic environment will surely help me develop my managerial skills. I can apply those skills and education in the operating area when I will engage myself in the business. Graduates of this program established themselves in various fields and working in different multinational organizations countrywide and abroad. The higher demand of UCLA Anderson MBA program in the job market inspires me to undertake the course in this institute. Since the course is customized to the needs and choices of the students, it will help me explore my capability and talents. I believe I will materialize my dream of becoming a future organization head if UCLA Anderson becomes my mentor.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Birthday Story of Private John G. Burnett Assignment

Birthday Story of Private John G. Burnett - Assignment Example In May 1838, federal army troops under the command of General Winfield Scott began arresting the Cherokee and moving them in the stockade until they could be removed west. In this exodus, he even lost his wife, who succumbed to pneumonia after giving out her only blanket to a child (Byers 8). Party politics in a big way contributed to the removal. The U.S. government formally adopted a removal policy, carried out in the 1830a when President Andrew Jackson, from Tennessee, who was a forceful proponent of Indian removal. President Jackson began aggressively to implement a broad policy of extinguishing Indian land titles and relocating the Indian population. Out of altruism, the troops treated the tribe members so unkindly, and the roundup was very cruel. Families were separated; the elderly and the ill were forced out at gunpoint and herded into forts with minimal facilities and food, something which resulted in many deaths of the Cherokees (Byers